Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Well, you can welcome me to the 40+ weeks club! I always thought I would be here, especially if you take a look at all the women in my family... but, I had hope! You spend nine months counting down to a date, and then the date passes. Wah Wah. I know it is not much longer, but the anticipation is killing me. I didn't take my 40 week photo. I wasn't that excited, haha... I just want to meet this baby. Now. I have enjoyed this season of my life, and now I am ready for the next!


  1. Take that pic tonight! You'll be happy you did!

  2. The waiting is the worst part. That due date comes....and then goes...and it just seems crazy! With Neva we went from a due date in August to her not being born until September and I was completely shocked! Never even occurred to me that we would get to a different month! That baby will be well cooked and perfectly healthy!!! And will be here soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I can't relate. You've already made it more than 7 weeks past what I did. I'm sure you're so ready to meet her or him!
