Divergent by Veronica Roth
I was surprised that I loved this book. I knew I liked young adult, dystopian society books, but I really didn't want to start a THIRD trilogy! Last year we read Matched and Crossed (of the Matched trilogy), then Delirium and Pandemonium (of the Delirium trilogy). I really never liked the writing, the story, or the characters of the Matched trilogy; although, I will surely read Reached, because I might as well finish what I've started. I liked the Delirium trilogy - it is a much better written series. I am excited about Requiem coming out in March so I can see if Lena ends up with Alex or Julian. As you can see, I am juggling a memory of two other trilogies. I didn't need to start another.
BUT - this book is really great. It is a quick read - with twists, scary moments, a likeable narrator, and some romance. Listen - I am no book scholar. I know these YA dystopian books are a little cookie cutter, but I was entertained for an entire weekend by this book. It could have been my mood, or the rainy weather that kept me inside... but, I don't care. I loved this book and I just got the second book in the mail. Fingers crossed I like it as much!
My gal pal Sarah is afraid of birds in large groups. For real. I pretty much made her buy the book as soon as I finished it... and I forgot to mention to her that someone gets attacked by birds. Whoops. Sorry, Sarah!!
I share Sarah's fear of large groups of birds. Not really a fear. Just a disgust. They seriously gross me out. Like a lot.