Wednesday, June 11, 2014

39 weeks: a waiting game

And now we wait... what a strange place to be in! So much about to change, yet I have no control. Today I am 39 weeks, 3 days. Some of my expectations were changed this morning at my doctor appointment when I realized how much longer it really could be and how many choices I will make in the coming week(s). I really don't want to get to that 41 week appointment and have to schedule a nonstress test and ultrasound... I just want to go into labor naturally before then.

I did see that this Friday is a full moon, and we have four more storm systems coming through in the next week... so I am hoping for a nudge from mother nature! If we do make it to the 41 week mark, we are moving into another astrological sign... not that I even know the distinct differences, but I know that I often fit the bill for my own sign!

I am a creature of expectations, and I like to control outcomes... so, this is a bit hard for me. BUT, I am trying to enjoy these last days as a couple. We've been trying to do something fun each night... like getting ice cream, or eating out... just doing something spontaneous.

I also found out this morning at work that I can change to half-days next week, if I would like to, without losing any time off of my official maternity leave. (Lucky me, I have 8 years of sick days built up!) That brings some comfort too. It'll be nice to know I have the option.

39 weeks


  1. yay!!!!!! thinking of you!! and if it makes you feel any better, i'm only 36 weeks and 1 day, so i've still got a lot longer than you!! ;)

  2. If you get a Cancer, it won't be all bad...that's what I am! :) Go for walks, do some squats....get that baby down! I'll be thinking punctual thoughts for both of us over the next couple of days!!!
