Sunday, July 20, 2014

Benjamin Craig

Well, he joined us almost a month ago and I am JUST now thinking about updating my blog! That shows you how busy life has been! I barely check my email, texts, facebook... what day is it anyway?!

In the last week, Benjamin has been allowing me some longer periods of rest, so I am functioning at a higher level, lol. No, really. Thank goodness this chunker keeps putting on weight and drinking big 'ol bottles before bed! My sleep should just get better and better.

Ben's arrival wasn't exactly as expected. I scheduled an induction, but ended up at the hospital that night in labor. I was contracting 3 minutes apart when we arrived at our scheduled time for induction... haha. We laughed that we would have arrived that the same time, even if we had never scheduled the induction. I guess we had intuition about the start of our labor??

I labored hard over night. I remember thinking that John needed his sleep, so I tried to keep quiet as the contractions worsened. I kept thinking I would wake him when it got worse... (I should have woken him up!) The nurse kept coming in and finding no progress with me... she kept turning me into these weird positions and my back and hip would pain from holding that position for the upcoming hour while she monitored me.  Turns out that our little one was having heart rate decelerations during each contraction. The nurse was getting worried.

By morning, I was having contractions one on top of the other without any break, but still no dialating! They were getting worried about his position, which they were determining might be not exactly head down... more of an angle into my hip...

I was given an epidural in the morning, followed by a bunch of doctors and nurses being brought in to give their opinions.... everyone was starting to look concerned, and I knew that a C-section was going to be brought up. I just knew it... when my water broke and it was full of meconium, that seemed to settle it for the entire team.

In the end, he came via C-section. The experience was not what I expected, and the recovery was much harder than anticipated, but he arrived healthy, and that was all that mattered.

The best part was hearing John yell out, "It's a boy!" What a crazy feeling to finally know! It felt so surreal.

Benjamin arrived on June 22nd and has been keeping us on our toes ever since!
7 lb, 7 oz and 20 inches long.
We've never been happier.
Named for the best man I never knew,
so you know,
he'll be a great man too.

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