Wednesday, July 30, 2014

shit storm

I had my six week appointment this week. I didn't think about the fact that I would be taking Ben until days before. I was a little worried about having him there alone, but I assumed this was a normal thing.

When we got there, he was asleep like a little angel. The nurse took my stats and then told me to put the gown on, sit on the table with the blanket over me, blah blah... he starts fussing just as she left the room. I hear a little toot and decide I will go ahead and change him before the doctor comes in.

Right as I pull him out of his carrier, I hear a much louder one and at the same time feel the wet begin to run down both arms!! I look down and he has had a major blow out!! Through his clothes, on the exam table, covering the sheet... I am standing there with the open-back gown dancing around the room half naked trying to get it all cleaned up as quickly as possible! Ugh. When the doctor came in, I told her what happened and that we needed new linens for the exam table. She also handed me a new gown. I told her I didn't need one, and she says, "oh yes you do!" I looked down, and I am covered in poop!

I thought that would be the end of it, but he really never stopped crying and fussing. I stood there, bouncing him, through most of the appointment. Then, when it came time to have my "exam," he wouldn't calm down... so, he laid on my chest. I can't wait to tell him that he joined me for that... haha.

The biggest lesson I have learned so far is that I can't really expect things to go as planned, and I have to give up some control and relax. It's a good lesson for me.

Oh, and on a not so funny note... I have a hernia that will need to be removed after my body recovers fully. Boo. For months I loved feeling this one spot on my tummy that you could always feel his head or butt, I wasn't sure what, but I could always feel my baby pushing out... WELL, when I got home I realized it was still there... haha. I have known for weeks that it was probably a hernia, but I was bummed to have it confirmed.

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