Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Unnamed Book Club

The book club is currently reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I have particularly strong interest in finishing this book, because this is the third time I have made this attempt. I put a list ---> in the right column to share our upcoming books as well.

Our book club, which we failed to ever name, began in February 2008. So, we are about to celebrate two years of monthly conversation.... we drink wine, snack on yummy food, share about our lives, and chat about a book. Sometimes we discuss the book in depth, other times we just talk about life - laughing the majority of the time.

I think we have a pretty awesome group of twenty-somethings -We have one mom, one 3 year old boy, a few new wives, a couple Alpha Chis... and QUITE a few Wildcats. Old friends and new friends. It is a group of inteligent, outspoken ladies. And though our group has seven teachers, the rest of us are from all walks of life when it comes to our careers. I love how we all have very different perspectives; however, I think I am the only one who is yet to read Twilight... I hope we continue reading together for years to come.
(11 of the 15 of us at a K-State game this Fall)

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