Monday, September 24, 2012

week seven: not a blame game

wah wah.
My body hates me.
I worked harder this week than any other week.
And yet, I can only report that I am eight pounds down.
Yes, that is one pound up from last week.
 (and, honestly, a huge shock this morning.)
I could blame it on the Plum Thicket fried chicken special last week with my grandparents,
but I could also agrue I worked it off.
I could blame it on one too many drinks around the fire pit on Saturday,
but the girl time with old friends was good for my soul.
I could blame it on my left knee hurting and keeping me away from Jillian,
but the truth is I still cut a ton of calories this week.
I could blame it on the time of the month and being a bloaty mess...
but, I don't want to be full of excuses.
It is what it is, and I want to be honest.
I have been flirting with ten pounds for three weeks now.
I am now officially three weeks behind my schedule.

...but, I fit in those college jeans over the weekend.
Truth is, I feel great.
Too great to feel too sad about my number today.
I know sad. This isn't it.


  1. Good job, Paige! You look great! And 8 pounds is fantastic...don't be sad about that! :)

  2. Rooting for you! And trying to be inspired by your dedication. Also, I love this cookbooks and am obsessed with the healthy meals. Even though I don't have a family. Seriously. OBSESSED.

  3. Also, I've been trying to drink more water to keep up with you. To be clear, I seem to be gaining the pounds you lost at the exact same rate, but I'm trying.

    1. haha - Sorry, Victoria! I am attempting 100 ounces a day. It's kinda crazy, but I noticed more weight loss the first week. Who knows! Thanks for the cookbook recommendation. I never know which ones are worth buying!
