Wednesday, August 15, 2012

God is Faithful

I am a super hero. You should look at me with great reverence, for I am a bad ass. I might be an emotional wreck, I might be losing my damn mind, I might be ultra-sensitive, and I might be running my mouth straight into a deep hole with each conversation I have... but, I am the champion. Well, at least for three days - for three days I have have been the definition of will power.

I have written about addiction for many years, because it is close to home. What's strange about it, is that I have an understanding of it myself. No, I don't use illicit drugs and I am not an alcoholic, but I have my own vices. One in particular that I unabashedly love. I understand the deep pull that certain things can have on you - deep into your soul - attached to all that you are - however unexplainable. And, even if it is wrong, we all have things we need to let go of that we don't want to. If you know me in real life, you probably know what I am talking about. Please let me be ambiguous about this.

After the doctor visit last week, I decided if I was going to be in calorie counting hell, I might as well change my whole life for the healthier.

Probably you should just avoid me like the plague this week. Last night a text rolled in that was like "are you going crazy yet?" - I almost cut a b*tch. I really wanted to eat-my-feelings last night after that one... not to mention a related comment from said texter's spouse over the weekend... but, I digress. Not everyone thinks about the weight of their words, and I am surely guilty of that too.

Remember that one time I was asked to get off a plane because I was a fatty? Not in 10 weeks.When I roll into my doctor's office, I will be an inspirational, rock star. Oprah and I are already have the whole ENFJ thing in common, but now she'll have to get me my own show on her network.

No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13


  1. Someone told me yesterday that if you can do anything for three days and then three weeks, it's done. You've got the habit. (or broke them!)

  2. You are amazing! People don't think about their words before they come flying out of their mouths at all. I'm sorry you had to experience that. And if cutting a B makes it better, then do it! ;) Lova ya.

  3. You go friend! (I can also cut a b*tch if you need me to!)
