Friday, May 6, 2011


For months, on many long Saturdays, we have been preparing my grandparent's house to go on the market, after moving them into assisted living homes last Fall.

I learned many lessons about wallpaper, heard many stories about old keepsakes and had roller-coaster emotions over discussions about my grandparent's possessions. While I hoped to have pieces of their lives in my home, it is a very strange thing to discuss, and it is equally hard to watch your grandfather sit angrily across the room while you sort through things that filled his home.

And now, after all the hard work of my dad, his brothers, and their wives... the house is sold. We worked very hard for months, and have been blessed and lucky to sell this house. So now we move into the next phase... mourning this house that was a home, this house that held a family. my family.


  1. This would be really tough. My family isn't there yet with either sets of my grandparents, but internally, I'm dreading it. So very much stuff and memories.

  2. I've gone through it. Similar situation. Its not easy, and what you feel is completely normal. Mourn all you want! Its ok :)
