Friday, February 25, 2011


Boo. What a morning. I looked out my window and saw more snow than I wanted, but I also saw clear streets. Phew - I did actually want to come to work. Being out with the flu last week put me behind... so, to work I went.

Unfortunately (and strangely), MY street was the clearest damn thing I saw the entire drive (should've been the worst of it!). I think I-35 was really clear and clean too, but the traffic was only going 10 mph.

Then - downtown. Blast downtown!!! What is wrong with this city?!?! The entire downtown was packed, solid ice. It was an ice rink, and there was no turning back, I guess! Then I got stuck. (Eek!) I suppose I overcame a fear today... I always wondered what those poor people who get stuck do. And, I guess the answer is nothing! I couldn't move forward, I couldn't back up (because of the traffic behind me), and everyone scowled at me. I was really baffled. I seriously had no idea what to do. So, I would spin my tires for the crankiest drivers passing me, to show them I couldn't do it. But, I just sat. It was so weird and I felt terribly helpless.

I did call 911... I have since considered that this was probably silly. But, it seemed like we were never going to move unless someone came and pushed us or helped us get some room to turn around. They never came, but a nice gentleman did, and he recruited a couple people to help. They stopped traffic behind us and talked us each through turning around.

After probably 25 minutes of awkward, I made my way down a different, icy path, and we all miraculously made it to the office (all of us who tried).

Mr. Grumbles is sick of hearing our commute horror stories, but it was truly a mess and we were all truly surprised to have made it.


  1. Being stuck in bad driving conditions gives me tons of anxiety too! Sounds like an adventure...I had no idea it was that bad there today!

  2. Wow, what a crazy drive! Thankfully that nice man stopped and helped you! :D
