Wednesday, January 22, 2014

baby love: 19 weeks

So far, I love being pregnant.
I love the vivid, strange dreams.
I don't mind the heightened emotions.
I even like the crazy that oozes out of me!
I am not putting up with much lately... no nonsense.
The hormones have definitely given me confidence to say what I think!

My face has more acne than when I was 14,
and the heartburn sets me on fire every night -
but this pregnany has been easy compared to most stories I hear.
...and I love talking to and thinking about this baby.
What a blessing.
Weeks along: 19 weeks
Weight gain: 5 pounds
Fruit baby: Mango

Current nicknames: Junebug, Madge, Bountiful, Thankful
Cravings: Anything that will result in heartburn.
Random: I am not sure if I have felt the baby. I keep feeling some movement here and there - not regularly - and I always talk myself out of it... I think it will be more regular and recognizable soon. I can't wait. Sleeping is getting more uncomfortable, and my dreams are starting to include baby themes. The other night I "had the baby" and instead of staying with my little one, I left it at my parent's house (before finding out if it was a boy or girl) and ran to the store to start buying supplies. I guess I need to start preparing! My subconscious is concerned.


  1. ahh you're so lucky! i'm literally counting down the days until I'm done!!!!!! Are you finding out if it's a boy or girl?!

    1. We are not finding out the gender! I like surprises.

  2. oh girl!!!!!!!! i admire your strength, i only have 3 weeks left to find out and i'm dyyyyyyyyyying to know!!!!
