Thursday, April 28, 2011

customer service fail

I spend a portion of my days answering phones at work. I answer all kinds of crazy questions, sometimes ones that do not even pertain to our organization. I try to be helpful, and I try to be nice. I answer questions I have answered a million times, as patiently as I can, knowing they don't know the answer. But... I have noticed that every vendor I hire for the wedding seems to be unavailable or disinterested in communication the moment a check is written.

Many of my married friends told me that no matter how cool something is, the person you work with matters just as much as whatver you are buying - that you should like the person, because you'll have to work with them on a regular basis up until the wedding, so I thought I took that advice very seriously... and they still aren't awesome. It annoys me because I spend my days giving good customer service to clueless people, and then I go make a call with questions of my own, I can't get the same in return.

Listen - we all don't like answering the same questions over and over, year after year... but, you should be nice - and return phone calls - and emails... no matter how stupid my question, because I am paying you - and a person should be mortified about two months going by without responding to my emails or calls - MORTIFIED.

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